Saturday 7 August 2010

Swaziland king’s 12th wife caught cheating with Justice minister

The 12th wife of the King of Swaziland, a former Miss Teen beauty contestant, has been placed under house arrest after she was allegedly caught with her lover, the Justice Minister.

Mswati Nothando Dube, 22, and the married minister, Ndumiso Mamba, were reportedly discovered by police in what is thought to have been a ‘’sting” operation at the Royal Villas hotel in a town near Mbabane, the kingdom’s capital.

With King Mswati III, 42, away on a state visit to Taiwan, she has reportedly been placed under surveillance at her mother-in-law’s home and Mr Mamba is in jail on the king’s orders.

If convicted of the rather odd-sounding charge of ‘trespassing into another man’s home’, Mamba, who was once a close friend of the king, could be executed.


Mangwato said...

Of all women the black mamba struck the king's wife! Wizards definately prescribed that he beds the queen to empower himself and dis-empower the king in the process. If he gets away with this, it will be Hail King Ndumiso! With friends like Ndumiso Mamba, His Majesty King Mswati III of Swaziland does not need enemies. Throughout history world Rulers have had their fair share of traitors who end up killing them. Talk of harboring vipers! Our King of kings and Lord of lords had Judas Iscariot, Emperor Julius Ceaser had Brutus, King Shaka Zulu had Mbopha and now the young King Mswati III has Ndumiso Mamba!

Anonymous said...

It is not fair to have 12 wives, how can you satisfy them? May be all of the wives are doing the same. Time will tell, the good example is in South Africa.