Thursday, 25 June 2009


Former boxer Evander Holyfield is facing foreclosure…again. The lien holder is demanding full repayment of the original $10 million loan, with an auction scheduled for July 7 on the Fayette County Courthouse steps. Evander’s second property in Fayette is also under foreclosure as he’s far behind on that $216k loan. According to the AJC:
Holyfield has grossed more than $248 million in the ring, but two divorces, several failed business ventures and chil support payments

believed to total $500,000 annually have taken a toll on his financial well-being.
The father of 11 last boxed in December, losing to WBA champion Nikolai Valuev in Switzerland. His last significant payday came in 2003, when he received $5 million to fight James Toney.
Asked about his finances last June, Holyfield said, “I’m not broke. I’m just not liquid.”

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