Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Madonna appeared in a Malawi court yesterday seeking to adopt a second child, a girl called Mercy James.
She arrived dressed in a black skirt, black high heels and carrying a Panama hat and entered the building through a back door.
The singer spent an hour at the Hight Court and did not speak to reporters after the case was adjourned until Friday.
One of Madonna’s lawyers said that she was asking the court to grant her an interim adoption of about 18 months of Mercy, who is four years old.
The singer flew into Malawi yesterday on her second ’shopping trip’ to adopt an African child.
The newly-divorced star took her children along to help her expand the family.
But even as her private jet landed, criticism emerged of her mission to find a sister for David Banda.
Madonna’s daughter Lourdes, 12, Rocco, eight and three-year-old David are accompanying her on the trip.
If the adoption cannot be completed, she hopes a temporary custody order will allow her to take the toddler home to New York.

Little Mercy with her Granny and Uncles

At the weekend, Mercy’s uncles, her closest relatives, said they did not want her to go but had been persuaded by the orphanage where she lives.
Peter Baneti and John Ngalande claimed they had no idea who Madonna was and said they had been given no clear idea of what the future holds.
Mr Baneti, a fisherman, said: ‘We never wanted to let Mercy go. She is part of our extended family and our culture.
‘My mother, my brother and I all said no three times to the orphanage, which was pressing us on Madonna’s behalf.

Madonna with her Eldest daughter Lourdes in Malawi Yesterday

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